Taunton Oral Health




One of the tooth replacement options we offer for our patients is dentures. We offer several types of dentures to meet all of the needs of our patients. If you are missing multiple teeth, we have the dentures solution you need to restore your smile. We offer full dentures, partial dentures, and immediate dentures. Our knowledgeable dentists may recommend full dentures if you are missing all of the teeth in a full dental arch, such as the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Partial dentures, meanwhile, are used when some of your natural teeth remain. We also offer immediate dentures, which are placed in your mouth directly after the removal of your teeth; this allows you to always have a complete smile and avoid spending time without teeth. Dr. Kim will help you determine the right type of dentures for your smile.

Dentures can improve your smile by:

  • Improving your ability to properly eat, speak, and chew

  • Restoring your facial shape and volume

  • Enhancing the beauty of your smile

Our dentures are created from high-quality materials that look and feel like your natural teeth. For more information on dentures and how we can restore your smile, we invite you to contact our office today.